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Workshop at the University of Bristol

It was our pleasure to be invited to the University of Bristol in July to run a series of reflective workshops on Masculinity. The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team in collaboration with Rosa Targett, hosted two workshops designed for men (academic and professional services staff) who were interested in looking at feminism, masculinity and what men can do to be better allies to the women and non-binary people in their lives.

This 2.5 hour introductory workshop focused on the role of men in intersectional feminism and deconstructing terms like toxic masculinity and emotional labour. It's aimed at men who are already reflecting on their position in society but who would like more information and guidance around being a feminist ally.

Jonathan Sandy introduced the workshops on behalf of the University’s Gender Equality Group.

If you’re interested in hosting a workshop please find our information in Contact Us.


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